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Steve Tellier


The 2025 Steve Tellier Scholarship Application is now available. Please see below.

Steve Tellier Memorial Scholarship

  • The 2025 Steve Tellier Scholarship application is now available. Please note the new deadline: 4/1/2025.
    Click here for the APPLICATION.

  • Please not the new deadline:
    Applications must be postmarked by April 1st.

  • Open to children of New Hampshire Assessors or those working within the assessing function.

  • A child of a parent or legal guardian of a regular, associate1, municipal or honorary member of the New Hampshire Association of Assessing Officials (NHAAO) as described in the by-laws; all serving in good standing on April 1 of the year of application.

    Open to high school students in their senior year and college students attending a 2 or 4 year college.

    Academic achievement as indicia of future success in post-secondary education, with a minimum GPA of 2.5 or be in the top 1/3 of class. However, grades alone are not the sole determining criteria.

    Active participation in school-sponsored, extracurricular activities and/or community service activities will be helpful.

    An essay on goals and ambitions (two page type-written maximum).

    Two letters of reference.

    Associate members must be preforming assessing functions in the State of NH.

  • Finley Irvine, Rochester Institute of Technology

    Cameron Marchant, Culinary Institute of America

    Kiley Morel, Franklin Pierce University

    Cooper Reese, Bentley University

  • To honor our friend and colleague Steve Tellier; the NHAAO, in 2007, established the Steve Tellier Memorial Scholarship. Steve's passion and enthusiasm to promote advancements in the assessing field, as well as his involvement with community youth programs will always be remembered.

    Steve was an outstanding professional, dear friend and admired by the members of the New Hampshire Association of Assessing Officials (NHAAO); and in recognition of his devotion working with local youth the NHAAO established this scholarship. It is presented to exceptional high school and college students wishing to pursue a college or technical school education.