

CNHA Certification

  • Interested in becoming a Certified New Hampshire Assessor (CNHA)? The Association encourages all those in the New Hampshire assessing profession to work towards and obtain this most valuable and recognized Certification. Here's what's needed to qualify:


    A. Applicant must have successful completion of the following courses: *

    1. IAAO Course I, or equivalent

    2. IAAO Course II, or equivalent

    3. IAAO Course 300 (Series, Mass Appraisal)

    4. IAAO Course 400 (Adopted 4/13/2010) (Effective 1/1/2011)

    5. IAAO Course 452 (Adopted 2022)

    6. USPAP 15 Hours (Adopted 9/1/01)

    7. NHAAO/DRA State Statutes Part I and Part II – taken within last 5 years, or 1 day update will be required (Adopted 9/1/01 – Revised 4/1/2010)

    B. DRA Certification as Assessor or Supervisor.

    C. At least four (4) years full time experience in the appraisal, as defined by USPAP, of various types of real estate – one (1) of which will be experience in the assessing function; i.e., abatements, accurately measuring and listing properties for building permits, or sales, cyclical inspection program, working with exemptions, credits, timber cuts, excavation permits, and current use.

    D. Application for certification must be accompanied with all of the above documentation.

    E. Applicant must supply current resume with work experience and classes.

    F. Applicant must be a member in good standing of NHAAO (regular or associate).

    G. Application fee of $100.00 is required before exam can be taken.

    1. If second exam is needed there is a $25.00 exam fee, with a minimum 30 day waiting period.

    2. If third exam is needed, 1 year minimum waiting period from second exam is required and fee of $25.00

    H. Exam must be proctored by a Certified NH Assessor (CNHA).

    I. Applicant must receive a minimum grade of 70 (the grade is confidential between examinee and grader). Exam is on a pass/fail basis.

    * All courses are classroom participation or live online, no pre-recorded computer classes are accepted.

    REV: 1992, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2010, 2020, 2022

    Download the CNHA Certification Application here

  • The Certification Committee shall maintain a list of all individuals granted the “Certified New Hampshire Assessor” designation, and their current certification status.

    The designation is reviewed through the re-certification program as stated below.

    A. Re-certification cycle is every 5 years from the original date of issue. Each cycle requires 50 credit hours of continuing education by the CNHA to meet the recertification requirements. The recertification maintenance fee of $25.00 (effective as of 1/1/93) is due prior to issuance of the recertification date seal.

    B. Documentation of attendance at a USPAP (initial or update) course and NHAAO/DRA State Statutes course (full course or update) once every five years as required for recertification.

    C. All existing CNHA’S shall be required to provide documentation of attendance or certificate of successfully completing an IAAO 400 course or equivalent by January 1, 2016.

    D. Any request for extensions shall be made in writing to the certification committee along with the reason for the request. Extensions shall not be granted for longer than 6 months. Any continuing education hours earned during the period of the extension shall not be applied to continuing educational hours for the certification period overlapped by the extension.

    Credit hours will be attained in the following manner.


    1. For documented attendance at seminars, conferences, association meetings, workshops and approved assessment related courses.

    2. For documented successful completion of examinations associated with approved assessment related courses.

    3. For documented instructorship of approved assessment related courses.


    The courses presently recognized as approved assessment related courses are:

    1. NHAAO/DRA courses

    2. IAAO affiliated courses

    3. DRA Mini courses

    4. Marshall/Swift Valuation Services

    Other approved assessment related courses not specifically addressed here may be approved at the discretion of the Certification Committee. Approved online courses will be accepted for recertification credits only. Acceptable documentation of those courses subject to approval by the Certification Committee must accompany the written request for consideration, i.e. description, credit hours, hours attended, and if a final exam is required.


    Credit hours will be awarded as follows:

    1. Credit hours equal to the number of documented hours of attendance per sixty (60) month re-certification cycle. (1 hour = 1 credit)

    2. Five (5) credit hours for the successful passing of an exam with no attendance per sixty (60) month re-certification cycle.

    3. Instructors shall receive full credit for hours taught only once during a re-certification cycle for teaching the same course.

    NHAAO monthly meeting with speaker equals one-hour credit for speaker attendance.


    This procedure is to be consistent with IAAO Policy. Auditing a course is not an acceptable manner in which to obtain credit hours for certification.


    CNHA certification status classification is as follows:

    Active: Currently meets all requirements and is accepted as a member in good standing.

    On Notice: Has reached the end of a re-certification cycle and has not yet documented the proper credit hours and has been notified of such.

    Inactive: The individual is no longer considered certified as a New Hampshire Assessor. The loss of the certification may be a result of not meeting the recertification requirements or other nonconforming issues.

    Retired: To qualify for retired Status, the CNHA must:

    1. Be at least 60 years of age

    2. Be a member in good standing, of the NHAAO for at least 10 consecutive years

    3. Be certified for 10 consecutive years in the NHAAO Certification Program.

    Adopted 1997
    Amended February 1999
    Amended January 2006
    Amended April 2010

  • Click here to download the CNHA application.

    • The ACAB is a 3-member board overseen by the NH OPLC (Office of Professional Licensure and Certification).

    • Follow this link to the ACAB meeting schedule.

    • For more about the ACAB and the certification/recertification of Assessors, visit the OPLC home page here.